Home > Structure > Beta_Padmin > E > Structure optimisation
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Structure optimisation

With this funktionality you are able to improve the speed in structure, eg. when you work with a structure containing a hugh amount of content. 


Working steps:

|1| Choose „Interface“ in the main menu.

|2| Click the „modify“-Button in "Advanced page layout configuration".


|3| Enable the option by checking the checkbox in "Strucutre optimisation". Finally click "Save changes".


structure optimisation.png - 1166115.1

Author: factline Webservices GmbH; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Published by: factline Webservices GmbH (factline2)
factID: 1166116.2 (...history); published on 13 Feb. 2008 14:59
Structure  >  Beta_Padmin  >  E