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Most viewed facts options

To display the most viewed facts you should type http://url/display/mostviewed.htm in the address bar.




Filter by type

Insert document types to be displayed, separated by comma (,).

Document types:


  • opinion - forum
  • factfolder
  • album
  • newsentry
  • factsfile
  • expertprofile
  • image
  • partner
  • calendar
  • weblog
  • companyprofile
  • cooperation
  • event
  • link
  • literature
  • factdoc -text 
Columns to displaySelect the columns you want to be displayed.
Order byYou can select the property by which to order the list if most viewed facts.
SortYou can choose to sort the list ascending or descending, based on the property you have chosen.


Author: factline Webservices GmbH; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Published by: factline Webservices GmbH (factline)
factID: 1202978.3 (...history); published on 16 Jun. 2008 15:50
Structure  >  English  >  Manuals  >  p-admin manuals  >  interface & design  >  page layout config 
Referers (1):
table of contents23 Nov. 2009factlink