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Additional html to be placed after the <body> and before the closing tag

Go to "Interface > Advanced page layout configuration" and navigate to the following points:


#31 Additional html to be placed after the <body> tag (in the very beginning)

#32 Additional html to be placed before the </body> tag (used for putting the layer data)


These two advanced options allow you to fully redesign your page layout. Here you can add any kind of HTML - tables, layers, include scripts, images, redifine styles, etc.


Important: If you add images or scripts with <script src=""> tag, be sure to leave spaces after the "src" property and after the "=" sign.


<script src = "http://path-to-my-script.js"></script>


The user is also able to upload images for the header. In order to do so, please proceed as follows:


|1| Go to the platform and upload the image(s) using the service "Images" .


|2| Now you can add them using one of the following methods:


|a| Copy the infoID of the image and put it in the input field using factimage


|b| Copy the infoID of the uploaded image and put it in the input form using the tag <img src="/images/factID" />

Author: ivo marinoff; Copyright: factline Webservices GmbH; Published by: Ivo Marinov (factline3)
factID: 288602.10 (...history); published on 22 Nov. 2010 10:15
Structure  >  English  >  Manuals  >  p-admin manuals  >  interface & design  >  page layout config