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Thomas J. Jelinek

born in Stockholm
Stage director, dramaturge, curator, multidisciplinary artist

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Director of LABfactory and nomad-theatre.
Since 2003 dramaturge of
chairman of IG Kultur Vienna (association of independent artists and cultural organisations/Vienna)

Video and space installations, music / performances, architectural projects, curator a.o. LOGBUCH (Berlin 1993), project Niemandsland, „E55.project “(MESSING network/nurSchrec/WUK) and in the international TRANSART project and TRANSART Lab.Festival 2000 in Croatia; Works on different art network projects in Europe and transdiciplnary laboratories. Initiation and work on east-west connecting and exchange projects, symposiums: e.g. „Guest in Europe “, Vienna Bratislava Exchange, Labin-Art-Exchange etc.
Joint founder and leader of MESSING network, direction and concept work, performance and theatre projects in public and theatral areas in Austria, Germany (Tacheles/Berlin, Dresden, Munich etc.) Switzerland (Zurich/Basel), the Netherlands, France: e.g. „lifeline “ at Biennale Marseille
Projects with focus Film-Theater: Direction in cooperation with Harald Jokesch for „BLUE “ by Derek Jarman, „Johnny got his gun“- Dalton Trumbo
Stage direction; Opera production: “Divina Commedia Inferno”2001, „Dantes PARADISO“ in Salzburg 2002(summer academy of Mozarteum /Festspiele); Concept and composition by Michael Mautner;
Concept and direction of video installations, various video and television productions a.o. for Television: f.e. ORF/Kunststücke.

Founder of NOMAD theatre (2000) and the LABfactory (2002).
Projects as: Ulysses.factory/Direction for ODYSSEUS fragments: Theatre series „fragment 1 - press conference “, „fragment 2 - the belly of the horse “, “fragment 8 - Penelope “(Co-production: dietheater Künstlerhaus, Vienna)
Direction for: conTEXTlab series / Media-theatre  and discourse-performance
as well as developing of several context and site specific performance projects and WEB.TV and live-streaming performance projects

Dramaturgy  for dance production: examples: “IKARUS” Joao de Bruço (Bra), “One Hundred Years of Solitude“ Irene Kalbusch/Guillermo Horta (Vienna/A-Eupen/B), „Fremdkoerper“ of Chris Haring (Tanzquartier/Vienna)
Co-operation with Gaststube(CH) Andreas Liebmann: „Der Gesang v. flexiblen Menschen“(dramaturgy and final direction: HAU2/Berlin, Theaterdiscounter /Berlin, dietheater/Vienna 2004)
Dramaturgy: „Körper-Spiel-Verderber“ of Chris Haring (Akademietheater/impulse dance 2004)
Laboratory projects: e.g. Flussmenschen (Co-production: dietheater Vienna, nomad theatre, FLUC) co-operation with Chris Haring/Katherina Zakravsky within „Spielverderber“- laboratory, CCL/Koop.
Since Nov. 2004-participant and co-producer of the international seriousPOP project,
seriousPOP OPEN.LAB II (Konzerthaus Vienna)

co-founder of with choreographer Chris Haring, Andreas Berger (music), Stephanie Cumming (dance) 2005
dramaturgy liquid loft/Haring; projects 2005 - 2007: „Kind of Heroes“, „My Private Bodyshop“, “Running Sushi”,  “posing project A - Art of WOW” , “posing project B – art of seduction”
Performances in: Vienna, Linz, Dornbirn, Paris, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Lyon, Frankfurt, Bruxelles, London, Venice (Biennale) etc. (Co-production: Tanzquartier, ImPulsTanz Festival)

2006 camp-project together with Alexander Nikolic, Katherina Zakravsky (nomad-theatre and int. Partners MASKA (Ljubljana/SLO), WdKA, V2 (Rotterdam/NL) Wagenhalle ev/Buero f. u. M(Stuttgart/D) etc.)
guest professor at Willem de Kooning Academy /free art/media (Rotterdam/NL)

“best play” off-theatre of Donaufestival Krems/1999 for “Johnny got his Gun”(by Dalton Trumbo) for stage direction

“best short 2002” Television award ORF-Kunststücke for direction of “Dantes INFERNO”

„best performance“, Biennal de dance Lyon/2004, for „Fremdkoerper“ / choreography: Chris Haring

Golden Lion of Biennale di Venezia 2007 for “Best Performance” with for “posing project B – art of seduction” (dramaturgy, stage setting)

concepts and works  - nomad-theatre   arrsmall1 - 1132768.1
dramaturgy   -    
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